Who We Are
Specialty Connect is Sobeys National Pharmacy’s “concierge” specialty service provider. Our expertise is supporting patients requiring specialty medications, their caregivers and health service providers with client care solutions that complement existing services provided by healthcare providers, pharmaceutical patient assistance, reimbursement support, and payor programs.
What We Do
Specialty medications are used to treat complex and chronic medical conditions. Navigating medication coverage and treatment plans can be overwhelming. Specialty Connect works to simplify this process by being “right where you need us” to provide a seamless experience so patients and their healthcare providers can focus on care rather than paperwork and logistics.
Patient Support Program
Other Health Care Providers
Patient Caregivers
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors
Quality • Service • Commitment
Specialty medications are typically used to treat chronic medical conditions that require specialized care.
Specialty Connect:
- Collaborates with Patient Assistance Programs and Health Case Managers.
- Coordinates and confirms payor coverage/ reimbursement.
- Streamlines communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.
- Registers patients with their Preferred Network Solutions provider.
- Confirms logistics for in-store medication pick-up or delivery.
Specialty Connect provides additional patient support including coordinating patient education, promoting medication therapy management, health coaching, and other services to manage acute or chronic health conditions at the Preferred Network pharmacy. To find a Preferred Network pharmacy near you, visit 360Health Pharmacy & Wellness.
Contact Us:
Contact our team of administration specialists and consultant pharmacists:
1-888-686-6427 option 2